Garden Refresh: From Neglected to Neat
A complete refresh for a radiant garden

A complete refresh for a radiant garden

At De Tuinaannemer, we recently gave a client’s garden a thorough refresh. Here’s what we did to bring the garden back to its best:

Removing Plants and a Tree

We started by removing all the plants and a large tree that had overgrown the garden. This provided us with a clean slate and instantly gave the garden a tidier look.

Pruning Hedges

Next, we neatly pruned all the hedges. Overgrown hedges can quickly make a garden look messy, but with proper trimming, they regained their clean and well-kept lines.

Laying Sod

A fresh, green lawn makes a world of difference. We laid new sod, which immediately gave the garden a lively and inviting appearance.

Professional Cleaning of Patio and Pathway

The patio and the pathway to the backhouse had become dirty and discolored over time. Using our professional cleaning equipment, we thoroughly cleaned these surfaces, making them look like new again.

The Final Result

The final result was a refreshed and well-maintained garden that the client can now fully enjoy. The neat hedges, new lawn, and clean patio give the garden a renewed and tidy look.

At De Tuinaannemer, we’re happy to help refresh and brighten up any garden. Would you like to give your garden a makeover? Contact us today to see what we can do for you!

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