Facibel BV Version Odoo 15.0+e

Informations sur le Facibel BV instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.

Applications installées

Zip , City Fields Swapping
invoice attachment update
Invoice Attachment Update
CRM Team Extension
Add fields in Sales Team
custom barcode products
custom barcod
custom field for crm
custom field for crm
Invoice Line Add - Voorschot
If an invoice is created with down payment then it adds a line section named "Voorschot" to the top of Invoice Lines
Ma becode Mode
minor customization
minor customization
Account Manager
Activity Views Modification In Chatter
Bcodes Duplicates Fix
Ol Crm Delivery Phone Fix
CRM Opportunity Workflow
Custom Payment Method
Custom Payment Method
OL Enable Tracking On Res Partner
Follow up emails on sale order
General Automation
Ol SMS Automation On Quotation Sent
Invoice Email Button Name Change
Invoice Delivery Address Fix
Invoice Followup Payments
Mail to Miro
MTO warning
Opportunity Cancel Quotation Cancel
Poduct Levels
Project Modifications
Sales Portal Display Before Confirmation
Ol Smart Button On Task
Ol Transfers Project/SO Count
Ol redirect to login
Calendar Module
Calendar Module
custom barcode transfer
custom report
project stage
project stage field on crm
Discounted Sales report
stock quant customization
stock quant customization
Webhooks for CRM stages
Odoo Power BI Connector
Power BI Connector
Twilio Whatsapp Odoo Integration
Send whatsapp notifications using twilio sms gateway via Odoo and get response too.
Attachment Preview
This module adds a new widget, many2many_attachment_preview, which enables the user to view attachments without downloading them.
Du devis aux factures
Factures & Paiements
Gérez vos pistes et vos opportunités
Site Web
Editeur de sites web d'entreprise
Gérez votre stock et vos activités logistiques
Comptabilité Financière et Analytique
Bons de commande, offres et accords
Organisez et planifiez vos projets
Email Marketing
Concevoir, envoyer et suivre des e-mails
Feuilles de temps
Suivez le temps des employés par tâche
Notes de frais
Soumettez, validez et facturez les notes de frais des employés
Créez et customisez vos applications Odoo
Gestion des documents
Allouer des congés payés et suivre les demandes de congé
Gérez votre tunnel de recrutement
Centralisez les informations de vos employés
Hr Card Info
Subcontract stock view
Barcode App Modifications
Custom Calender View
Portal Invoice View
MailChimp Connector
Integrate & Manage MailChimp Operations from Odoo
Spent Hours
Spent Hours Calculation
Execute Query
Execute query from database
Odoo Direct Print
Print any report or shipping label or barcode label directly to any local (usb, wifi, bluetooth, network) printer without downloading PDF or ZPL
Custom Menu in crm lead
Custom reports pdf
Ol Invoice Address Fix On Report
Ol Vat Fix On Quotation And Invoice
Woo To Lead
Odoo to woocommerce api integration
Install pip packages
You can install any pip module
PowerBI Desktop Connector
odoo power bi connector, odoo powerbi connector, odoo powerbi desktop, Power bi, desktop, power bi desktop, powerbi desktop, powerbi service, power bi service, power bi dashboard, powerbi dashboard, microsoft power bi, microsoft powerbi, ms powerbi ,ms, ms office, Google Looker studio, look, looker data sources, analytics, analytic, analysis, report, reports, chart, charts, dashboard, dashboards, , power bi cloud, powerbi cloud, KPI, kpis, slicer, slicers, graph, graphs, bar graph, forecasting, forcasting, prediction, google, datastudio, data studio, data refresh, gateway, data gateway, refresh, schedule, scheduled,AI, ML, artificial, artificial intelligence, intelligence, intelligent, sale forecasting, sales forecasting, inventory, datasource, data source, sources, community, connector, excel, spreadsheet, SAS, Qlik, Qlik VIew, QlikView, KNIME, python, spark, apache, apache spark, sisense, talend, ibm, zoho, domo, klip folio, klipfolio, bigdata, big data, google data studio, datastudio, google datastudio, connectors, odoo connector, odoo connecter, connecter, odoo connectors, odoo analytics, odoo ai, odoo dahboard, odoo powerbi, odoo power bi, , connecter, datasources, google bigquery, big query, AI Dashboard, Google AI, AI analytics, Looker studio, data studio, dashboard ai, dashboard with ai, connecter, ai connector, connector ai, data hub, data lake, machine learning, ML, artificial intelligence, AI reports,. powerbi, Powerbi connector, power bi connector, power bi data, powerbi data, odoo power bi connection. Odoo Dashboard, CRM Dashboard, Inventory Dashboard, Sales Dashboard, Account Dashboard, Invoice Dashboard, Revamp Dashboard, Best Dashboard, Odoo Best Dashboard, Odoo Apps Dashboard, Best Ninja Dashboard, Analytic Dashboard, Pre Configured Dashboard, Create Dashboard, Beautiful Dashboard, Customized Robust Dashboard, Predefined Dashboard, Multiple Dashboards, Advance Dashboard, Beautiful Powerful Dashboards, Chart Graphs Table View, All In One Dynamic Dashboard, Accounting Stock Dashboard, Pie Chart Dashboard, Modern Dashboard, Dashboard Studio, Dashboard Builder, Dashboard Designer, Odoo Studio. Azure, data gateway, datagateway, onpremises,powerbi service, service,online
Sale Order Custom
Search By Lot/Product
Activity Base
Activity Management Odoo, Activity Scheduler Odoo, Manage Project Activity, Manage Employee Activity Module, Manage Supervisor Activity, Filter Completed Activity,filter planned Activity Odoo
Invoice Extended
Envoyez des documents à signer en ligne et gérez vos documents complétés
Gérer et publier une plateforme eLearning
Gérer l'horaire de vos employés
Chat, passerelle d'email et canaux privés
Centralisez votre carnet d'adresses
Planifier des réunions d'employés
Services sur site
Planifier et suivre les opérations sur site, le temps et le matériel.
Parc automobile
Gérez votre parc automobile et suivez les coûts de vos véhicules
Créer et valider les demandes d'approbation
Publiez des articles de blog, des annonces, des nouvelles
Permettez aux gens de réserver des réunions dans votre agenda
Tableaux de bord
Créez vos propres tableaux de bord
Utilisez des scanners de code-barres pour traiter les opérations logistiques
Organisez votre travail avec des mémos
Emplois en ligne
Gérez votre processus de recrutement en ligne
Contrats des Employés
Acquéreur de paiement Mollie
Intermédiaire de paiement : implémentation Mollie